E.D. Easley is a snarky guy who's written a very funny book. I'll admit that Ed and I belong to the same writer's group, but that isn't why I chose to review his newest book. I chose to read it--and yes, I even bought and paid for my own copy--because I enjoy his humor and his rantings about the establishment and his exes (yes, plural), and his knack for viewing his world in his own way and verbalizing so much of what the rest of us would like to say, but don't.
Ed has a propensity for saying "Shit happens--it just does", and embraces grandiose use of the "F" word.
In past lives, Ed's titles have included newspaper editor and publisher, Pulitzer-prize nominee, and life drop-out.
And so, read on for my review of "Crimes Against Commerce" by E.D. Easley, available at www.bn.com, www.amazon.com, and www.cloonfadpress.com.
Title: Crimes Against Commerce
Author: E.D. Easley
Publisher: Cloonfad Press
ISBN: 0-9769404-3-4
Pages: 243
A fun, freaky, frolicking ride all the way through this farce! “Life is stranger than fiction”…this one is so off the wall that it could happen in real life. It just could! And sometimes…it just does.
If you’ve never been to hell and back, climb aboard for a round trip in hilarious fashion. Hate your ex? These characters can take care of that matter for you. Ever been audited by the IRS? Just ask for redemption here.
Written in everyman’s everyday language, this one is a fun read. Go ahead—get lost in the world of E.D. Easley’s characters. Build your world around them. They’ll take you for a ride in theirs.
From Mafia hitmen to Sho Rin Ku master Kow Pi, you’ll savor each personna Stretch meets on his way through life. Life—the way it should be.
Reviewer: Linda J. Hutchinson
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