December 23, 2008

I hate winter - and Tripod/Lycos

It was -21 here yesterday, with the wind chill factor. In central Ohio. It isn't like we live in Minneapolis, or Anchorage. The cold makes me ache.

Son sent me this photo. I like it. Sums up my feelings perfectly.

BTW, my website is down again. Six days now while I try to get the DNS unlock code from Tripod/Lycos. Do NOT set up your website with them! My FR*E domain name included in their package will cost me annual rent of $12.95 for the rest of my life since I'm leaving for a web host that actually has customer service down to a science.

So if you have sent email to me at linda@, I haven't received it. Please use hutchlj at yahoo dot com until my website is back up and running.

But, please don't spam me. I had the first of the spine surgeries 2 weeks ago - and I don't need additional stress. You can follow my healing progress at

December 22, 2008

My website is still down.

This is day 5 of my website being down. Tripod's "FR*E" domain name is NOT FR*E if you every want to leave their web hosting - which I've been trying to do for a very long time. They won't give me the DNS unlock code until I've paid a $12.95 "rental" fee on my domain name - and agree to pay it for the rest of my life.

My site was never set up on "Fr*e" to begin with. I paid them $8.95 for the Pro plan every month for 5 years. One would think that I would own my domain name. However, I do not.

And, of course, their "customer service" is only open Monday through Friday from 8 to 5 - and it takes at least 3 days to get a response from them via email.

So, I've not only got a website that is non-functional STILL, but all of my website email is down, too.

I will say LOUDLY once again, "Do NOT use Tripod/Lycos as your webhost!" Ever.

GoDaddy is ready to give me telephone support - 24 hours per day !! - if Tripod will ever get around to giving me the DNS unlock code so I can move my site.

Tripod/Lycos sucks.

I'm sure this will not be the end to this particular rant. The BS never ends when Tripod is your webhost.

All of this is on top of trying to heal from major spine surgery!

November 24, 2008

One Big Mess of Info - That You Can Use Now!

One Big Mess of Info - That You Can Use Now!

After reviewing this newsletter I asked Jerry D. Simmons of for permission to re-print. There is an enormous amount of information and wisdom here.

Reader Feedback - A friend of mine sent me this email last week and I had to share with you -- “It is so seldom that people take time to give praise and appreciation where it is due that I am blown over with gratitude when someone makes the effort to bless me with a little. I'm sure most of us do appreciate the worthy acts and efforts of others, but sadly I think we are so caught up in the busyness of our lives we just don't take time to express it. And that is sad.

Also, I think we need to laugh more” . . . I couldn’t agree more!

Something To Make You Smile - Another friend sent me the following: Investment advice - A little levity in our troubled times:

If you had purchased $1,000 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago, you would
have $49 left. With Freddie Mac, you would have $2.50 left of the original $1,000.
With AIG, you would have less than $15 left.

But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all of
the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have $214 cash.

Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily
and recycle. It's called the 401-Keg

Question to Consider - Q - My publisher wants to price my book well above the market for my category, how can I make them understand this is wrong?

A - Unfortunately you can’t, some publishers who charge a fee to print your book set cover prices based on page count. You can understand why, because they are making money off the services you purchase and not necessarily the number of copies you sell. Certainly they want you to sell copies because they do make money when you are successful. However, the business model for “most” vanity publishers, where you pay a fee to publish, is to sell services. Consider that roughly 90% of all authors who pay to have their book published actually sell less than 200 copies. Now you can understand why some vanity publishers focus on the upfront fees you pay and not the number of copies you sell.

Marketing Wisdom - From New York Times bestselling author and marketing expert Seth Godin, from his blog.

What happens when we organize?

Most power occurs because one side is better organized than the other. Labor is usually less well organized than management, criminals are usually less well organized than the police and customers are always less well organized than producers.

The internet promises to change that. It does it occasionally, sort of randomly. Sometimes, users will rise up and complain (as they did at Facebook). Or voters will organize online and hurt (or help) a politician or candidate.

Wikipedia works because so many contributors figured out how to self-organize into a group that produced something far more useful than a traditionally organized document.

I think we're at the earliest possible beginning of the changes we're going to see because of this sort of grass roots coordination.

Simple example: the Starbucks in Larchmont, NY keeps their thermostat at 64 degrees. And the stores in Breckenridge, Colorado keep their doors wide open all winter. If you're raging mad about energy waste, you could say something. And nothing would happen. But if customers organized and ten people said something or a hundred people said something... boom, new rules.

The system doesn't know what to do with a movement.
If We Organize, the marketplace will hear us. To answer the question how do we sell more books? It’s simple, we market ourselves as a group. That is what Nothing Binding was created to do, bring attention to independently published books. Amazon is not going to do it, sure they’ll gladly sell your book and keep 55% as well as set the cover price. Can we do better? YES! It all starts with an idea followed by organization to create a movement. To learn more just send me an email,, or better yet, sign-up for, it’s free.

TIPS for WRITERS - One of the most important issues for an author, especially if you are independently published. Read all about it by clicking the title below Who Owns the Rights to Your Work? Or cut and paste to your browser .

Book Awards - If you haven’t tried one your should, I recommend the Indie Excellence Awards, now accepting submissions. Here is the website, check it out

Did You Know? - The major publishers generate more than 90% of their revenue from less than 10% of the titles they publish. If you are an author in the “other 90% that generate less than 10% of a publishers revenue,” you better understand how the business works and what you can do to separate yourself from all the other authors under contract. For $19.99 you can buy my book and learn all you need to know about publishing from a former insider’s perspective, cut and paste this to your browser .

The Headlines - Issues “WORTH READING” in the publishing business.

Court Rules Print-On-Demand Service Not Liable for Defamation

By Jeffrey D. Neuburger

Book publishers can be sued if they publish a book full of libelous statements because, the reasoning goes, a publisher should know what it prints. The publisher reviews the manuscript, edits and proofreads it, and distributes the finished book to retailers. It is involved in every part of the process.

But the Internet has given rise to a new breed of printing company, a hands-off model that doesn't get involved with the writing process at all. Online print-on-demand companies specialize in printing books exactly as they appear on submission, without any changes. If print-on-demand services don't exercise any oversight over their books, are they still liable when those books are found to contain defamatory statements?

That was the question in a motion recently decided in Sandler v. Calcagni, a defamation action filed in the federal district court in Maine over a book that was printed and distributed by BookSurge, a print-on-demand service that's owned by

Print-on-demand services appear at first blush to be the same as traditional vanity publishers, printing houses where authors can pay to have their work printed. However, the web-based interface of print-on-demand reduces the time and expense involved in getting a book to print and also helps to get the book placed with online retailers. Another key difference is that, while many vanity publishers may insist on an author paying for a set number of copies, many print-on-demand services will only print up as many copies of a book as have been ordered.

Traditionally, book publishers could be held liable for defamatory statements in their books under the theory that they exercised some form of control over the books' contents. But online print-on-demand companies typically provide printing and distribution services only, and do not perform the traditional editing, fact-checking and marketing functions associated with other publishers. Sandler v. Calcagni appears to be the first case in which someone has argued that a print-on-demand company should face traditional "publisher" liability.

Don't Save the Cheerleader

The case started with a dispute between two high school cheerleaders over (what else?) a boy. According to the court's opinion, one of the cheerleaders, Calcagni, and some of her friends harassed Sandler with religious epithets. Eventually, Calcagni was convicted of a hate crime for allegedly spray-painting a swastika near Sandler's home.

Calcagni's parents decided to tell their side of the story with a tell-all book about the incident. They printed the book through BookSurge, and purchased several hundred copies, which they distributed to friends, family and local bookstores. Several other parties also purchased copies of the book online.

Not surprisingly, Sandler sued Calcagni, her parents, the freelancer and BookSurge. BookSurge made a motion to dismiss the claims against it, arguing that it should not be held liable as a publisher for purposes of defamation law.

What Makes a Publisher?

So far, I've carefully avoided referring to BookSurge as the publisher of the book in question. That's because "publisher" is a word of art in the law, a term that has a specific legal definition. There are specific legal consequences attached to the categorization of publisher -- consequences that BookSurge hoped to avoid. As the court itself noted, confusion can arise in defamation cases because "publisher" has a common business as well as a legal meaning.

Under the common law, whether a participant is deemed to be a publisher for purposes of imposing defamation liability depends on the "extent to which he participates with an author...of the defamatory statement in its publication," according to the court's ruling in this case. Actors who are "more actively involved" in the process may be held liable "because they have the opportunity to know the content of the material being published."

The court effectively viewed the BookSurge service as a giant online copy machine, noting that it had "negligible involvement" with the authors of the book. BookSurge never fact-checked or reviewed the manuscript, and it had no editorial control over the work. Accordingly, the court found that the service did not know, or have reason to know, that the book might be defamatory and thus could not be held liable.

We'll never know whether the ruling would have survived an appeal. On September 4, the remaining parties filed a notice of settlement with the court, ending the case. So the court's ruling on BookSurge's liability will stand for now as persuasive authority for other courts faced with that same issue.


Print-on-demand services are an example of how the Internet enables writers to circumvent the gatekeepers of traditional communications channels. By dramatically lowering the cost and greatly increasing the ease of communication, writers who would previously have been blocked from the market can find an easy way to get their works out to the public. Authors no longer have to send copies of their great American novel to hundreds of publishers, praying for an editor to view it favorably. In fact, in this case, the parents first sought to have their book published by traditional publishing houses, which uniformly rejected the manuscript.

The question prior to Sandler v. Calcagni was whether the law would saddle these kinds of services with potential liability that would force them to vet their authors' works in the same manner as traditional publishers. If print-on-demand services were found not to be liable, they would have less incentive to weed out books that could give rise to legal action, almost certainly allowing more content to make its way into the stream of public discourse -- for good or ill, as this case arguably demonstrates.

Of course, there's an upside and a downside to all things. Freeing print-on-demand services from liability places the entire legal responsibility for content on authors, to the detriment of plaintiffs and defendants alike. Plaintiffs could not hope to recover much without a publisher's deep pockets, while authors would lose the protection of the publisher's attorneys and liability carrier. Such liability could bankrupt some authors, and the threat of legal action could cause authors to self-edit.

Outstanding Issues

Will courts in other states follow the Maine court's decision in Sandler v. Calcagni? That remains to be seen. Defamation liability is controlled by state law, with an overlay of federal law in the form of the First Amendment. Although the broad general principles of defamation law are fairly uniform throughout the U.S., another jurisdiction might take a different view of the liability of print-on-demand services.

Jeffrey D. Neuburger is a partner in the New York office of Proskauer Rose LLP, and co-chair of the Technology, Media and Communications Practice Group. His practice focuses on technology and media-related business transactions and counseling of clients in the utilization of new media. He is an adjunct professor at Fordham University School of Law teaching E-Commerce Law and the co-author of two books, "Doing Business on the Internet" and "Emerging Technologies and the Law." He also co-writes the New Media & Technology Law Blog

Commentary - The clear legal distinction has been made between traditional publishing and print-on-demand publishers. For authors, be aware, you can be sued for writing about anything that may be taken as libelous be a reader.

Success Story - Cheryl is a frequent contributor to this newsletter.

Canadian author Cheryl Kaye Tardif writes a novel titled ‘Finding Bliss’ on the new iPhone 3G

EDMONTON, AB, CANADA ― Apple’s new iPhone 3G hasn’t been available in Canada for very long and already one Canadian has discovered a unique use for it. Critically acclaimed author Cheryl Kaye Tardif plans to use the Notes application to write a novel titled ‘Finding Bliss’.

“I am often ‘blasted’ with an idea for a novel at the least convenient times,” Tardif says. “Two nights ago a novel idea about a teenage girl named Bliss hit me. I had to capture her story right away, so I immediately reached for my iPhone.”

Using the Notes application, Tardif drafted a brief outline for the novel, emailed the note to herself, then later copied the text into a Word document on her PC. It was her husband Marc, a cable installer for Shaw Cablesystems, who actually suggested the idea of writing the entire novel on the iPhone. It’s an idea that excites her.

“I’ve already started Chapter 1,” she says. “I plan to write each chapter on the iPhone, then edit it on my PC. And one of the characters will use an iPhone in the novel.”

Tardif has contacted Apple to let them know what she is doing. She hopes to hear from someone within the corporation. Not only does she want them to know how impressed she is with the iPhone, she wants them to know about ‘Finding Bliss’.

“I believe I’m the first author to attempt to write a complete novel using the iPhone.”

When asked about the plot of the novel, Tardif states, “’Finding Bliss’ will be an emotional, heartwarming story of a teenage girl who must fight to survive in a world of abuse, lies and loss. As she struggles to find herself, Bliss will discover exactly where she belongs and she'll learn that she is worthy of love after all.”

Cheryl Kaye Tardif is the author of three successful novels―Whale Song, The River and Divine Intervention. She recently arranged, with her publisher Kunati Books, to have 125 copies of ‘Whale Song’ added to VIP bags for 125 celebrities and special guests who attend Dallas Rocks 2008, an event that raises funds for Russell Simmons' Diamond Empowerment Fund (D.E.F.) a non-profit international organization that supports education initiatives for disadvantaged people in Africa.

To read more about Cheryl Kaye Tardif, ‘Finding Bliss’ and to read a review of the iPhone 3G, please visit:

To learn more about the iPhone 3G, visit For media enquiries, please contact: Rachel Sentes - Publicist - OutRight Communications Inc
780-406-8045 -

Interesting Fact - Five of the six largest publishers in the world are foreign owned. Below you will find their names and some of their various imprints.

(1) Random House, Inc., a division of Bertelsmann AG (a German Corporation), is the world's largest English-language general trade book publisher. It publishes some seventy imprints, including Anchor, Ballantine, Bantam, Broadway, Crown, Dell, Del Ray, Dial, Doubleday, Fawcett, Fodor, Dell, Knopf Group, Pantheon, Random House, Villard, and Vintage. It also owns the Literary Guild.

(2) The Penguin Group, which is owned by Pearson (United Kingdom), is the second largest publisher in the United States and Canada and the largest in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India. Its imprints include Allen Lane, Avery, Berkley Books, Dutton, Hamish Hamilton, Michael Joseph, Plume, Putnam, Riverhead, and Viking. Penguin also publishes children's brands such as Puffin, Ladybird, Dutton and Grosset & Dunlap.

(3) Simon & Schuster, Inc., is the publishing arm of Viacom (United States). It publishes Aladdin Paperbacks, Atheneum, Atria, Fireside, The Free Press, Little Simon, MTV Books, Margaret K. McElderry, Pocket Books, Scribner, Simon & Schuster, Simon Spotlight, Star Trek, Touchstone, Washington Square Press, and Wall Street Journal Books.

(4) Harper Collins, a subsidiary of the News Corporation Limited (Australia), has annual revenues of over $1 billion. Its imprints include Amistad, Avon, Caedmon, Ecco, Eos, Harper Business, Harper Collins, Harper SanFrancisco, Perennial, Rayo, Regan Books and William Morrow. Its Zondervan unit publishes Bibles and Christian books, and its e-book imprint is Perfect Bound. Also Hyperion, and Miramax.

(5) Hachette Book Group USA formerly Time Warner Book Group Inc. (French) owns the Book-of-the-Month Club and the imprints Aspect; Back Bay; Bulfinch; Little, Brown and Company; Press Warner Books, The Mysterious Press and Warner Books (Warner Business Books, Warner Faith, and Warner Vision). It also distributes publishing lines for Arcade, Harry Abrams, Time-Life Books, and Microsoft.

(6) Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings, (Germany), publishers imprints that include Argon; Bedford; College-Group; Farrar, Straus & Giroux; Freeman; Hanley & Belfus; Henry Holt; Hill & Wang; Macmillan; North Point Press; Picador; St. Martin's; Scientific American; Times Books (partnership with New York Times Group); Urban & Fischer, and Worth.

The Prediction - Big changes are coming in publishing. Not only has the economic meltdown had an impact on Wall Street, book sales are slipping yet again. The time is coming and the biggest publishers are going to recognize the fact that their business model is broken. You can read more at the following:

The Perfect Time

Trust in the Community

Changing The Face of Publishing

Community of Independent Authors

Special Audio Book Production Offer - From now till December 31st, 2008, John Mahoney, owner/producer of Raven Audio Books, a professional experienced audio book recording studio located in Peoria, Arizona is offering authors a special price. Should you be interested in creating an audio book, please feel free to contact me. This is a link to some statistics on audio books that may be of interest. or visit their web site, you can reach John by phone 623.215.8654.

Another Special Offer - For anyone interested in using press releases to spread the word about their book, here‘s a deal between now and December 30th.

If you purchase the $89 video release service from 24-7 and enter the special code below, you'll get $20 off your release. You'll pay only $69. These $89 releases look awesome. And you can include 4 pictures (book covers, yourself, etc.) AND a 2 minute video (book trailer, podcast, etc). If you have an event coming up or news that you want to promote, this is the time.

This code is active now and expires: December 30, 2008. Visit:, select the $89 release and be sure to enter the code: ckt123008

Mark Your Calendars - Scottsdale Society of Women Writers


Who: Scottsdale Society of Women Writers - Books Signing Event - Discuss with them their work and review and purchase books for your reading enjoyment. Several of the authors will be speaking on their writing experience.

Anna Bartowski Value Meals on the Volga

Patricia L. Brooks Gifts of Sisterhood

Kebba Buckley Discover the Secret Energized You

Dana Davis The Mask of Tamirella

Lilia Fallgatter The Most Important Letter you will ever Write

Barbara Levy Mexican Strawberries

Marilyn McGrath All you know on Earth

WHEN: Saturday, November 1st - from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: Pages Bookstore – 7100 E. Cave Creek Rd., 480-575-7220

The Scottsdale Society of Women Writers meets the last Wed. night of the month for networking, camaraderie, dinner and a professional speaker in the writing and publishing industry. Café Carumba in Old Scottsdale: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contact Patricia L. Brooks, president and founder at 480-250-5556 or

Upcoming Book Fair - Sunday November 16th from noon to 4:00, SSA will be holding a BOOK FAIR at the Sheraton Four Points Conference Center, 1900 E. Speedway, Tucson. Admission is FREE, there will be door prizes and refreshments. In addition to 60 local authors, award-winning authors Rhys Bowen and Virginia Nosky, are featured. Don’t miss it!

Read Books for Free - If you would like to read and review a book for free, please go sign-up for our program. Visit the site and sign up today.

Jerry, What Do You Do? - Interestingly enough I get this question a lot. The short answer is that I help writers make decisions about publishing, marketing and selling books. There is no one set way to publish, there are plenty of options and I help writers choose what’s best for them based on personal goals.

What Is - The web site created to provide writers and authors with credible information on writing, publishing, and marketing books. Touted as the INSIDERS GUIDE to PUBLISHING, all of the information is based on my 25 years of corporate New York experience. It is also the only place where you can buy my book WHAT WRITERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PUBLISHING.

My Services - I have 30 years of publishing experience and offer a complete line-up of professional services. For more details click here. Or cut and paste the following link:

Pass It On! If you find my newsletter helpful, please forward to everyone you think might find it interesting. If my newsletter was forwarded to you and you would like your own copy, send me an email, With your sign-up you’ll receive free an 20-page eBook titled “What Writers Need to Know About Marketing.”

Finally - Your comments and feedback are really important, please tell me what you think and what can be improved. Send me an email .

Free Information – You may quote from or use any of the information, all or in part, under the conditions that: (1) The republication is not resold or used for any other commercial use, and (2) The author, Jerry D. Simmons and website are prominently referenced. All written material 2008ÓJerry D. Simmons.

Acknowledgment – My audience is writers and authors. Please accept the fact that this newsletter and TIPS for WRITERS are not edited. There may on occasion be grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors. I acknowledge the fact and apologize.

Jerry D. Simmons - Author, Publisher, Speaker
Global stage for writers, authors, and readers
Publishing Insider Blog

Author of What Every Writer Needs to Know About Publishing
Also available as an eBook

November 15, 2008

Why I'm a Libertarian - with reviews and advice

If you'd like to hear my views about why I'm a Libertarian, take a look at The Review Hutch.

While I'm awaiting surgery to replace the 3 discs in my neck that are causing my arms and hands to alternate between painful ache and numbness, please excuse any typos, and any shortcuts I may suggest.

Yours in peace,

In This Issue:

The passing of Marshall Fritz.... Walter Williams asks: "What 'laissez-faire'
capitalism?".... Victims punished -- for being robbed.... They're ALL
"redistributionists".... Dismantle and disarm anti-freedom slogans.... 40%
discount on "The Best of Harry Browne".... and much more!


Thursday, November 13, 2008
Vol. 13, No. 18
Circulation: 69,503 total subscribers in over 100 countries.
The world's largest-circulation libertarian publication!

Published by the Advocates for Self-Government
Edited by James W. Harris | Email:

Want to read the enhanced HTML version of this LIBERATOR ONLINE? Just click on:

SUPPORT the world-changing work of the Advocates! Please see:
or call us toll-free at 1-800-932-1776.
We have some great "Thank you!" gifts waiting for you!

"The World's Smallest Political Quiz [is] one of the freedom movement's most
recognized and effective outreach tools."

-- Congressman Ron Paul, Congressional Record, April 15, 2008


* Marshall Fritz, my hero, mentor and friend
* Save 40% off "The Best of Harry Browne" -- and help the Advocates!

* Advocates President quoted in leading environmental newspaper
* LAST CHANCE for the 2009 Freedom Cruise -- PLUS, DISCOUNTS!

* Shocking Bailout Numbers
* Robbery Victims Punished -- For Being Robbed
* What "Laissez-Faire Capitalism"?

QUICK SHOTS: Vote for the "redistributionist" of your choice... Regulations
equal a second income tax... John Stossel bemoans the cult of the presidency...
Conan O'Brien says "we're totally screwed..."

* How to Dismantle and Disarm Anti-Freedom Slogans
by Michael Cloud

* How can we help Africa?

* Telling How Libertarians Are Different from Liberals and Conservatives
by Sharon Harris

* * The Best of Harry Browne: You save over 40% -- and help the Advocates!


Dear friend,

By now you have probably heard the sad news: Marshall Fritz -- Advocates
founder, creator of the World's Smallest Political Quiz, and legendary
libertarian activist -- passed away last week after a long and courageous
battle with pancreatic cancer. He died peacefully at home, surrounded by

There is much more information about Marshall, including photos and personal
tributes and rememberings, at our Web site:

If you haven't yet, I urge you to visit that site and learn more about this
remarkable man.

I have lost a mentor, hero, and dear friend.

We mourn the passing of a truly great man, renowned for his enthusiasm,
devotion to truth, and love for liberty.

We celebrate a life that was a grand adventure that touched millions of people
around the world.

And we will honor his memory by continuing to build the Advocates for Self-
Government, the organization he created, and to advance the great cause of
liberty to which he devoted his life.

* * *

Welcome to 108 new Liberator Online subscribers this issue. Thanks for joining
our subscription "family" of almost 70,000 liberty-loving readers in more than
100 countries!

To learn more about the Advocates and our work for liberty:

To learn more about libertarianism:

-- Sharon Harris, President | Email:

PS: We have a very special, limited-time offer for you: Save 40% on "The Best
of Harry Browne!"

Take advantage of this, and you'll get...

* Harry Browne's last published book, LIBERTY A-Z. (A $13.95 value.)
* Harry Browne's uplifting speech, "The Future is Not Hopeless," on CD. (A $10
* Harry Browne's insightful speech, "The Seduction of Force," on CD. (A $10

All of this is yours for only $20 (plus shipping and handling).

This is a $33.95 value -- so you save $13.95. That's more than a 40% savings on
two great speeches and an extraordinary book by one of America's greatest
libertarian communicators.

Act today! This offer is good through November 27, 2008.

To order, or learn more, see "Product Review" at the end of this issue. Or

Your purchase supports the great work of the Advocates. Thank you!





Libertarian Party Presidential candidate and former U.S. Congressman BOB BARR
has written a dire warning of what is at stake if we don't act now to stop the
onslaught of Big Government. A must-read for libertarians everywhere!

ADDED BONUS: The Advocates will get a percentage of the sales price if you
order through the link below. Find out more, and order yours today!


* ADVOCATES PRESIDENT QUOTED: Sharon Harris was quoted in an article in
Environment and Climate News, the excellent and highly influential pro-market
newspaper published by the Heartland Institute. The article, "Schools Cut Back
to Four-Day Week," concerned efforts by government schools to deal with rising
energy costs. Harris went to the core of the problem: government central

"What's interesting about this story is that it points out just how inflexible
government bureaucracies are," Harris said. "It's always difficult to make any
changes in the system. If we had more parental choice in education, we would
immediately see the benefits. There would be more and quicker innovations and

"Families are different from each other, with different interests and different
needs," Harris added. "If we had a free market in education, we'd see many
choices -- not just in locations of schools but [also] in hours of operation
and in curriculum."

November 17 is your *last chance* to sign up for the 12th Annual Freedom
Cruise, February 15 - 22, 2009. Special prices are available for some remaining
staterooms. Imagine awakening to a warm sun reflecting off a turquoise ocean on
a spectacular cruise ship, heading to a beach paradise! Check out this
itinerary: Fort Lauderdale; Half Moon Cay, Bahamas; Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos;
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; Cozumel, Mexico; Fort Lauderdale! Non-
libertarians welcome! Great food, an amazing itinerary, and fine company! (This
isn't an Advocates event, but it is led by Advocates Board Member Dr. Ken
Bisson.) Libertarians and non-libertarians alike who have been on past cruises
rave about them! For photos and more details -- visit:



by James W. Harris

Brain-Boggling Bailout Boondoggle Numbers

How much has the government thrown down the bailout rathole... so far?

The Reason Foundation's Anthony Randazzo has added it up for you.

However, before you read further, consider this warning from Randazzo:

"A word to the wise: get some duct tape to wrap around your head, 'cause these
numbers all together are gonna make it explode -- if it hasn't already."

Okay, you've been warned. Strapped it?

Here goes:

* $29 billion for Bear Stearns
* $143.8 billion for AIG (thus far, it keeps growing)
* $100 billion for Fannie Mae
* $100 billion for Freddie Mac
* $700 billion for Wall Street, including Bank of America (Merrill Lynch),
Citigroup, JP Morgan (WaMu), Wells Fargo (Wachovia), Morgan Stanley, Goldman
Sachs, and a lot more
* $25 billion for The Big Three in Detroit
* $8 billion for IndyMac
* $150 billion stimulus package (from January)
* $50 billion for money market funds
* $138 billion for Lehman Bros. (post bankruptcy) through JP Morgan
* $620 billion for general currency swaps from the Fed

ROUGH TOTAL: $2,063,800,000,000

Yes, over $2 trillion dollars. As of November 7.

That's about $6,800 for every man, woman, and child.

About $15,000 per taxpayer.

And actually, it's even worse.

Randazzo adds: "This doesn't include the hundreds of billions the fed has and
will buy up in commercial paper and lend out to other financial firms. The
deficit is nearly $440 billion this year, and the national debt is $10.5

"If these numbers don't shake the next Congress into becoming more fiscally
responsible, probably nothing will."

(Source: Reason Foundation: }

* * *

Robbery Victims Punished -- For Being Robbed

When someone fills his tank at a gas station and then drives away without
paying, that's a crime. No one would argue with that.

And a new law in Shreveport, Louisiana is threatening those involved in that
crime with heavy penalties, including stiff fines and even jail time.

The only problem: those facing this punishment are... the gas station owners
and employees who've been robbed.

Say what?

Recently the Shreveport city council passed a law requiring gas customers to
prepay before fueling up. The idea was that this would reduce gas thefts.

However, some gas stations didn't like the law, because it inconveniences
customers and adds to employee workloads.

So to make sure all stations obey the law, the council added a stiff penalty.
Attendants and owners face fines and even jail if a gas theft happens while
they're on the job. Business owners can be fined $250 for the first offense,
$500 for the second.

Says the law: "If convicted a third time, [owners] must pay up to $500 and face
up to six months in jail. Owners won't be charged if the policy is publicly
posted for employees."

That's right: the council says a robbed station is itself partly responsible
for the crime. And if they can't catch the robbers, at least they can track
down and punish the... victims.

"This is the wrong way to get crime statistics down," said city councilman
Monty Walford, who opposed the law. "I frankly think that it's not government's
place to tell a business how they have to collect money. Are we next going to
ask grocery stores to require a deposit before you go in?"

Careful what you say there, Walford. Don't give your fellow council members any
more ideas.

346 )

* * *

What "Laissez-Faire Capitalism"?

As the economic crisis continues, we're constantly hearing critics blaming
America's alleged "laissez-faire economy" for somehow causing it.

For example, the New York Times recently declared: "The United States has a
culture that celebrates laissez-faire capitalism as the economic ideal."

Baloney, says renowned economist and syndicated columnist Walter Williams:

"First, let's establish what laissez-faire capitalism is. Broadly defined, it
is an economic system based on private ownership and control over of the means
of production. Under laissez-faire capitalism, government activity is
restricted to the protection of the individual's rights against fraud, theft
and the initiation of physical force. ...

"You can decide whether we have an unregulated laissez-faire economy. There are
15 cabinet departments, nine of which control various aspects of the U.S.
economy. They are the Departments of: Transportation, Housing and Urban
Development, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Labor, Agriculture,
Commerce, and Interior.

"In addition, there is the alphabet soup cluster of federal agencies such as:

"Here's my question to you: Can one be sane and at the same time hold that ours
is an unregulated laissez-faire economy?

"Better yet, tell me what a businessman, or for that matter you, can do that
does *not* involve some kind of government regulation.

"A businessman must seek government approval for the minutest detail of his
operation or face the wrath of some government agency, whether it's at the
federal, state or local level. Just about everything we buy or use has some
kind of government dictate involved whether it's package labeling, how many
gallons of water to flush toilets or what pharmaceuticals can be prescribed.

"{T]here is massive government control over our economy."

Dr. Williams goes on to point out, as we have recently done in past issues,
that the crisis was not caused by the market, but by enormous government
interference with the market -- again, precisely the opposite of "laissez-faire

(Source: Walter Williams: )

* * * * * * * *

fulminations against President-elect Barack Obama's socialism or infatuation
with redistributing wealth were as risible as would be former President Bill
Clinton lecturing Pinocchio on the evils of mendacity.

"For the last century, both the Republican and Democratic parties have embraced
the morality if not the economic wisdom of the progressive income tax and
government spending to redistribute wealth. The parties differ in inches as how
much redistribution would be morally or economically optimal."

-- Bruce Fein, constitutional scholar and Associate Deputy Attorney General
under President Reagan:

* FED REGULATIONS = A SECOND INCOME TAX: "Federal regulations cost Americans
almost as much as the income tax and more than 40 percent of all federal
spending, according to 'Ten Thousand Commandments,' the Competitive Enterprise
Institute's annual report on the burdens of federal regulation. Federal
environmental, safety, health, and economic regulations cost more than $1
trillion a year in addition to the costs of official federal spending."

-- Heartland Institute: Government's "10,000 Commandments"

* THE CULT OF POLITICS: "It's exciting that the world is so excited about
Barack Obama. I'm excited, too. That he achieved the presidency says something
good about America. ... But the excitement also frightens me. It reinforces the
worst impulse of the media and political class: the assumption that all
progress comes from Washington. In a free society, with constitutionally
limited government, the president would be a mere executive who sees to it that
predictable and understandable laws are enforced. But sadly, the prestige and
power of the presidency have grown, and liberty has contracted. That is not
something to celebrate."
-- libertarian journalist John Stossel of ABC's 20/20

* TOTALLY: "Today, at his first press conference as President-elect, Barack
Obama said America will succeed if we can put aside partisanship and politics.
Nice. Yeah, in other words, we're totally screwed." -- Conan O'Brien, Nov. 7.

* * * * * * * *
"Good News, Bad News, Unbelievable News" is written by Liberator Online editor
James W. Harris. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines and
newspapers, and he has been a Finalist for the Mencken Award, given by the Free
Press Association for "Outstanding Journalism in Support of Liberty."


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How to Dismantle and Disarm Anti-Freedom Slogans

by Michael Cloud

"The word 'slogan' comes from the old Gaelic word 'sluaghairm,' and means 'the
war cry, or gathering word, of a Highland clan in Scotland; hence, any rallying
or battle cry,'" wrote Bernice Fitz-Gibbon.

Slogans galvanize groups -- and move them to action.

Sometimes slogans serve good causes. Often they don't.

Anti-freedom slogans are used to shut down independent thinking. To silence and
intimidate individuals who disagree.

What can you do to disarm anti-freedom slogans?

Translate them.

You've heard the phrase, "lost in translation."

When it comes to slogans, the truth is *found* in translation.

Consider this John F. Kennedy slogan: "Ask not what your country can do for
ask what you can do for your country."

Here's what Robert Ringer found when he unpacked, analyzed, and translated it:

"Let's analyze this brilliantly conceived slogan carefully and logically. First
of all, what is a country? It's a geographical area composed of -- in the case
of the United States -- over 200 million individuals. I've never asked 200
million people to do anything for me, except not interfere with my right to
live a peaceful life. Ask what you can do for your 'country?' Does this mean
asking each of the more than 200 million individuals what you can
do for him?

"No, individuals are not what Kennedy or any other politician has ever had in
mind when using the word 'country.' A country is an abstract entity, but in
politicalese, it translates into 'those in power.' Restated in translated form,
then, it becomes: 'Ask not what those in power can do for you; ask what you can
do for those in power.' You wouldn't respond quite so eagerly if it were
phrased in its true form, would you? On the contrary, you might laugh in
disbelief." (Quoted from Looking Out for Number One [1977] by Robert Ringer.)

Want to try your hand at unpacking, analyzing, and translating
collectivist/anti-freedom slogans?

Here are a few:

* "Taxes are the price we pay for civilization." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

* "Yes, we can." -- Barack Obama.

* "If we can send a man to the moon, we can establish universal health care."

* "Why can't we run government like a business?" -- numerous politicians

* "It's not an issue of big government or small government. It's an issue of
smart government." - Barack Obama

* "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." -- Derek Bok

* "The end of welfare as we know it." -- Bill Clinton

* "The National Debt: We owe it to ourselves." -- Anon

* "We have a trade deficit." -- numerous

* "A government of the people, by the people, and for the people." -- Abraham

* "My country right or wrong."

* "A lifetime of public service."

Try your hand at unpacking, analyzing, and translating these slogans.

Test your answers on others. Family, friends, and co-workers.

If your translation works, if it dismantles and disarms the slogan, your
hearers will stop using the slogan -- and will pass it on to others.

It just might wipe out the anti-freedom slogan.

Because you made sure the truth was found in translation.

* * * * * * * *
Michael Cloud is author of the acclaimed book "Secrets of Libertarian
Persuasion" available exclusively from the Advocates:

In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive
Libertarian Communicator in America.



Looking for free-market solutions to today's most important social and economic
problems? The Heartland Institute has the information and arguments you need on
education, taxation, health care, privatization of public services, market-
based approaches to environmental protection, and much more.

Milton Friedman called the Heartland Institute "a highly effective libertarian

See why! Visit Heartland:


Dr. Mary Ruwart is a leading expert in libertarian communication. In this
column she offers short answers to real questions about libertarianism. To
submit questions to Dr. Ruwart, see end of column.

* * *

How can we help Africa?

QUESTION: What would be the libertarian response to issues in Africa? How can
we effectively help the extremely poor and sick?

MY SHORT ANSWER: The short-term way to help the poor and sick in other nations
is to contribute to private organizations that target those you want to help.
Some work to improve sanitation, a major cause of disease. Some provide medical
care. Others link needy children to sponsors in wealthier nations. Still others
provide small loans for "mom and pop" businesses. With a bit of Internet
research, you can determine which organizations are worthy of your support.

The long-term way to help the poor and sick is to demonstrate how they too can
become prosperous and healthy. Cutting back government spending, regulation,
and taxation is the surest way that any nation can become rich (for details,
see my book, "Healing Our World." The 1992 version is available as a free
download at; you can buy the 2003 edition there or from The

The freedom enjoyed in the U.S. in earlier years was a beacon of hope to
impoverished nations, giving them a blueprint to their own prosperity.

In recent years, the U.S. has moved away from the principles that made it
great. Restoring liberty in our own nation will show others the way to end
their own poverty and pain.

LEARN MORE: "Betrayal: Why Socialism Failed in Africa" by George B. N.
Ayittey. This is a short essay from the Foundation for Economic Education:

The libertarian Independent Institute posted this incisive review of two
excellent books by African free-market advocate George B. N. Ayittey. The
review summarizes his work and gives links to his books:

* * * * * * * *
Got questions? Dr. Ruwart has answers! If you'd like answers to YOUR "tough
questions" on libertarian issues, email Dr. Ruwart at:

Due to volume, Dr. Ruwart can't personally acknowledge all emails. But we'll
run the best questions and answers in upcoming issues.

Dr. Ruwart's previous Liberator Online answers are archived in searchable form

Dr. Ruwart's outstanding books "Healing Our World" and "Short Answers to the
Tough Questions" are available from the Advocates:


Telling How Libertarians Are Different from Liberals and Conservatives

by Sharon Harris

Recently, Liberator Online editor James W. Harris was trying to think of a way
to explain libertarianism to a child. The child, though smart, was ignorant of
most political concepts.

He thought over his usual stock of answers, and found them lacking in this

Finally he came up with something like this:

"Liberals and conservatives both believe the government should force peaceful
people, at gunpoint if necessary, to live the way *they* think they should.
Libertarians are against this."

He followed that with a more familiar libertarian definition:

"We think people should be free to do as they wish with their lives and
property, as long as they aren't harming anyone else."

The first paragraph of his definition is one I'd never heard before. There are
several useful things about it.

* It makes libertarians stand out distinctly from all other political

* It puts non-libertarians in the position of defending and justifying their
advocacy of violence. This is a valuable switch, as usually it is libertarians
who, right from the start, find themselves in the position of defending the
elimination of various government programs.

* It is a definition that immediately invites a nod of agreement and
appreciation. Most people, after all, don't consciously advocate the initiation
of force, and don't realize that's inherent in liberalism and conservatism.

* It makes libertarianism sound downright moderate and reasonable. The
immoderate, unreasonable ones are those who would use violence to force
peaceful people to live the way they think they should. They are the bullies;
we are the ones who defend them against the bullies.

Every libertarian should have an excellent answer memorized for this common
question, "What do libertarians believe?" (You can find some suggestions at

This particular formulation is not a perfect answer for all occasions, by any
means. But it may be a useful addition to your libertarian communication

* * * * * *
Sharon Harris's One Minute Liberty tips are archived at:



Put the genius of Harry Browne to work for you today!

When Harry Browne passed away in 2006, the libertarian movement lost a true

Widely acclaimed as one of America's most effective libertarian communicators,
Harry was known for his warm style, passionate arguments, razor-sharp wit, and
principled devotion to liberty. With his books and speeches, he enlightened,
educated, and inspired millions of people.

Now, you can enjoy -- and learn from -- the genius of Harry Browne at a special

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This unique, entertaining, and useful book contains hundreds of "soundbites" --
short, powerful, and thought-provoking remarks -- crafted by Harry Browne
during his 1996 and 2000 presidential campaigns. Using facts, arguments, humor,
aphorisms, and metaphors, Harry makes the case for liberty -- one clever quip
at a time. The book is organized alphabetically for easy reference, and covers
almost every political topic, from Affirmative Action to Zero (a Flat Tax Rate
of). Liberty A-Z will arm you with an arsenal of soundbites to spice up your
next conversation or letter to the editor!

* "The Future Is NOT Hopeless!" Speech on CD [45 minutes]

You'll be challenged, enlightened, and inspired as Harry Browne makes the case
for why we should be hopeful about the future of liberty. You'll hear specific
examples of trends and polls that are moving in our direction, delivered in
Harry's warm, heartfelt style. You'll also hear Harry puncture the gloomy myths
that libertarians sometimes fall for -- such as the notion that the American
public is too apathetic or dumb to embrace liberty. An uplifting speech!
Professionally recorded at the Advocates' 20th Anniversary celebration (October
2005). This was one of Harry's last public speeches before his death in 2006.

* "The Seduction of Force" Speech on CD [61 minutes]

Libertarians agree that people should not initiate force against others.
However, as Harry Browne points out, even libertarians can be tempted to use
government force to achieve "important" goals -- especially in the area of
foreign policy. With Harry's help, you can learn how to resist this temptation.

Once you hear this speech, you'll understand why the audience gave Harry a
standing ovation at the end. A crisp, professional recording from the
Advocates' 20th Anniversary celebration (October 2005). This was one of Harry's
last public speeches before his death in 2006.

A $33.95 value -- yours for only $20 (plus shipping and handling)! You save

* * * EXTRA ADDED BONUS: FREE "Discover Liberty" tabloid! We'll enclose a free
copy of our acclaimed OPH outreach tabloid with your order.

Again, that's more than a *** 40% savings *** on two great speeches and an
extraordinary book by one of America's greatest libertarian communicators.


Via Web: Order this Liberator Online special from our Liberty Store:

While there, you can also browse our other libertarian products and order any
you wish.

You can also, of course, order by phone, mail or fax, from the address

Your order helps support the essential work of the Advocates -- thank

*** This offer good through November 27, 2008. ***


THE LIBERATOR ONLINE is the official newsletter of the Advocates for Self-
Government. Visit us on the Web at:

THE LIBERATOR ONLINE was created by Paul Schmidt and James W. Harris.

See you in two weeks! You can contact the Advocates at:

Mail: Advocates for Self Government, 213 South Erwin Street, Cartersville, GA
Phone: 770-386-8372. For orders: 1-800-932-1776
Fax: 770-386-8373

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address for receiving the Liberator
Online, visit:

We never send the Liberator Online unsolicited. We encourage you to forward the
Liberator Online to interested friends. And if you received this issue from a
forward, please subscribe. It's free!

To see previous issues, visit:

The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational organization.
Contributions to the Advocates are tax-deductible.

If you would like to support the world-changing work of the Advocates, we
*welcome* your donation. Please see:
or call us toll-free at 1-800-932-1776.
We have some great "Thank you!" gifts waiting for you!

"May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and security of self-
government." -- Thomas Jefferson, June 24, 1826.

November 02, 2008

Sci-fi and God - The Leaps of Faith Tour!

Karina Fabian, who with her husband, edited Infinite Space Infinite God, a highly acclaimed sci-fi anthology with a religious twist. Or is that some religion with sci-fi? Somewhere along the way the two intertwined to make a very good read.

Karina is a prolific writer and the brain-child behind the Leaps of Faith Virtual Blog Tour that started, oops, yesterday. (It was dear husband's and my 18th wedding anniversary, so posting to blogs wasn't real high up on the to-do list.)

Stop by at any or all of these tour stops for information, inspiration, some guidance, and a whole lotta glimpses into making great fiction.

Leaps of Faith Virtual Blog Tour!

November 1

In Spirit and Truths:

Free Spirit:

Time With Tannia

November 2

Tree Lady:

Cathi's Chatter:

November 3-9

Christian Fiction Review Blog:

Bibliophile's Retreat

Cathi's Chatter:

November 4

Bibliophiles Retreat:

November 5

Cathi's Chatter:

Teresa Slack:

November 7

Bibliophile's Retreat:

November 13

The Book Connection:

November 14

The Book Connection:

October 01, 2008

Books for Teddy in Poland - Please

Getting books for my friend, Teddy's, library in Poland has been a lot tougher than I thought it would be. Read more about this here.

So far, books from Billie Williams and Jan McDonald have found their way to the Glowinskis' Library.

I've begun making a personal visit to book stores, new and used, to ask for help with this. So far, I've gotten positive results when meeting with the store managers around Columbus, OH. The issue seems to be the cost of postage. I'm working on ways to help with that.

ul. Waly Jagiellonskie 20
56-400 Olesnica
Poland - Polska

Teddy speaks a few languages and has assured me that when I visit Poland, we will speak them together. I'm looking forward to that!

September 12, 2008

Savor the Success

Join a serious social network, where networking actually ... works. Peter Shankman at HARO sanctions this one. Go to Savor the Success and use Code F44FC to sign up.

If you're a serious non-fiction writer, join the Non-Fiction Writer's Nook. Many of us also write fiction, but that will be discussed in a separate Cafe, run by someone other than me.

Have I ever mentioned that you can follow me on Twitter?

September 11, 2008

Much ado about ... Much!

There is much to do! And I was just thinking that things might slow down now that I only have pears left to can. HA! (Love the new dehydrator we built a week or so ago to replace the plastic one that disintegrated after a few uses. Maybe I'll sell them in kits??)

Lea Schizas over at the Muse Online Writer's Conference keeps booking my presentation for Tuesday, October 14th at 8:00 p.m. I'd tell you to sign up, but registration is closed. Might want to put it on your calendar for next August - or July - to sign up early! Did I mention that the whole conference is FR*E? (Note to self: Write presentation to go with handout.)

Denise Cassino has me hosting virtual book blog tours for the next two Mondays. Check them out at The Review Hutch. Stop in to say hello any time after 8:00 a.m. You'll find the schedule on the What's Up Now? page at my website.

My editor at CEG may get cranky if I don't get this article written for him. I've already sent the photos. Sheesh. You'd think after three years of delivering on time every 4th Friday he'd have more faith ...

I'm working on my gift and decor business, appropriately named Linda's Gifts and Decor, in between emails today. Check out my store, then email me for a complimentary $10 gift card. I'll even pay the shipping on orders over $50 this month.

My office ... It will be cleaned and organized by the end of the weekend or, or, OR ... Can't stand it anymore. Can't help but wonder if I'll be invited back to do the 4th Annual Organization and Goal Setting chat this December at The Writer's Chatroom since I'm (technically) not on-staff anymore? Just wondering. (Probably not, if they saw this mess.)

Okay, back to work. Oh, I'm sending good thoughts to Karen Syed over at Echelon Press. She's got the mother of all colds. She's Twittering, but probably not getting much editing done today. Hope you feel better soon, Karen!

September 07, 2008

5000 books for Teddy

My website has been updated to include more links and helpful "stuff".

My pen pal in Poland, who is attempting to build a world-class library, is featured "In the Showcase" at my website for September. His name is Tadeusz Glowinski. You may read more about him here: "The Librarian Who Loved Books", September 23, 2007

When I first heard from this remarkable man, it was because he had somehow stumbled upon this website. He sent me the link to the article about him. I was impressed!
I wrote back to tell him that I found his dream to build a library in one of the most run-down neighborhoods in Poland a very worthy project. I also let him know that my wonderful step-father had emigrated from Poland. Hence his reply:

Dear Linda, my "Polish Sister",

thank You very much for interesting in my matter.
Simply, I look for good People on the World who can help for my GLOWINSKIS' LIBRARY.

I will be very happy if I will have Your book in my bookscollection.

Dear Linda, see please that link:

In my GLOWINSKIS' LIBRARY there are much parts but the best is
special bookscollection (for books with autograph or dedication).
See please, how much these books I have in my library, from whole the World.
Linda, Your website is beautiful, You are The Best !!!
If You want to help me (link to my story on Your web) I agree with You on all Your ideas,
I believe that it help for my GLOWINSKIS' LIBRARY.
Once more thank You very much for all.
Linda, I agree with You about Your step-father, that he was beautiful man!
All Polish people are wonderful, me too!!!

Best from Poland,

Tadeusz Glowinski

I don't yet have a book published, but I know many, many, authors. How about it? Can we each send an autographed or dedicated book to Tadeusz?
Here is his mailing address:

ul. Waly Jagiellonskie 20
56-400 Olesnica
Poland - Polska

Please email Tadeusz at or with the title of the book you're sending and the date sent. Please also tell him you're a friend of mine so he'll know why you're sending him a book.

The goal is to send 5,000 books in 30 days! Several authors have jumped onboard already!

Jane Bernard to be my guest September 8th

Please join me at The Review Hutch on Monday, September 8th when my VBT guest will be Jane Bernard:

FINE TUNING, Connecting with Your Inner Power is Jane's own journey to reconnect with her passion for Life. She started writing it for herself and quickly learned that her journey was to a universal destination.

Jane Bernard's unique blend of Samurai Zen and common sense
presentations create excitement in the audience. Packed with anecdotes and strategies her customized keynotes and seminars produce results every time. She entertains with natural humor and a relevant message to inspire a mental shift. And she has fun.

For the past 20 years Jane paid her dues in the trenches as professional writer, professor, lecturer, communication specialist, educational innovator and mother. After receiving her BA in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research and her MS in Special Education from The Bank Street College, Jane began working for educational think-tanks on the East Coast where she implemented innovative interactive techniques that are now used all over the world.

She later worked as a writer and communications specialist for companies such as IBM, Random House and The Interway Corporation. Her writing experience continued to expand as she worked on a freelance basis scripting technical material, ghosting books and speeches and writing for education television.

September 04, 2008

Upcoming VBT Tour Stops

Jane Bernard on 9/8 at The Review Hutch

FINE TUNING, Connecting with Your Inner Power is Jane’s own journey to reconnectwith her passion for Life. She started writing it for herself and quickly learned that her journey was to a universal destination.

Jane Bernard's unique blend of Samurai Zen and common sense presentations create excitement in the audience. Packed with anecdotes and strategies her customized keynotes and seminars produce results every time. She entertains with natural humor and a relevant message to inspire a mental shift. And she has fun.

For the past 20 years Jane paid her dues in the trenches as professionalwriter, professor, lecturer, communication specialist, educational innovator and mother. After receiving her BA in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research and her MS in Special Education from The Bank Street College, Jane began working for educational think-tanks on the East Coast where she implemented innovative interactive techniques that are now used all over the world.

She later worked as a writer and communications specialist for companies such as IBM, Random House and The Interway Corporation. Her writing experience continued to expand as she worked on a free-lance basis scripting technical material, ghosting books and speeches and writing for education television.

Anna Maria Prezio on 9/15 at The Review Hutch

Anna Maria Prezio, author of Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster, is a professional Feng Shui Consultant. She has audited hundreds of Feng Shui sites. Her clients include: Hollywood producers, directors, actors, doctors, architects, andcorporate executives.

As a marketing consultant in health care, entertainment, and the non-profit sectors she has incorporated her knowledge of Feng Shui and its effects on personal environments to enhance people’s lives.

Ms. Prezio’s mission is to help people gain the knowledge and tools of Feng Shui to improve and enhance their wealth, health, creativity and relationships.

Ms. Prezio is a writer. She has published screenplays, articles and books. Her love for the visual arts has led her to produce feature films, film shorts, music videos,and photography. Her experience, Feng Shui knowledge and highly intuitive talent gives her the ability to sense people, places and things which help to nurture and facilitate her clients’ lifestyles.

Ed Green on 9/29 at The Review Hutch

Purchase info available at: or

ED GREEN is one of the industry's leading voice-over talents. For many years, he has been the voice of major sporting event projects, motion picture trailers, and television narrations, as

well as the voice for the most familiar commercial and product advertisers in America.

His commercials have currently passed the 30,000 mark, and are still climbing. This includes his well-known work as anaudio personality for Fortune 500 Corporations - working on their national campaigns while creating a unique image for internal corporate projects and shareholder meetings.

Join us for these virtual blog tour stops!

July 28, 2008

Boggy Carnival has Arrived!

Check out my fellow e-tailers/retailers and have a great time with this blog carnival all week! Here's the link!

Bloggy Carnival Is HERE All Week Long! Over $975.00 In Prizes!

July 28, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

The Bloggy Carnival is here! Starting on July 28th 2008 and ending at midnight Pacific time Saturday August 2nd 2008. You will have several ways to win the AMAZING prizes listed on our blog. Winners will be announced by Wednesday August 6th. Remember to visit all of the other participating blogs at the Bloggy Carnival. We are just one stop of hundreds! Many of our contributors ship internationally, so don’t be shy, everybody whether you are in the US or not, or whether you have your own blog is welcome to participate!!


Readers, here’s how to enter the contest. You can do one or all of these things, and each one will give an additional entry and thus MORE chances to win.

1. SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter here on the right hand side of the site. You MUST verify your subscription via the email the site will send you. Unverified subscribers will not be entered into the contest. This option is for new subscribers only.

2. Post this blog post in it’s entirety with a link to our contest here at your blog, group or website and you will be given additional entries to win. You MUST post the links where you have shared the info in one response here in this thread. The more places you post the event, the more entries you get, so spread the word! NOTE: Don’t worry if your post doesn’t show up right away or you get an error message, the spam filter on the site will catch it if there are too many links. I will approve your posts so no need to worry, if this happens please don’t post your list multiple times. Check back later in the week to see if it is up.

3. Visit each of the sites who have contributed to our event below and pick ONE favorite item from each store and come post the LINK to that item or the page the items is on here in this post. You can do one or all of the sites, you get an entry for each business you visit and the ONE item link you post here. Try to combine all of your items into one big post. NOTE: Don’t worry if your post doesn’t show up right away or you get an error message, the spam filter on the site will catch it if there are too many links. I will approve your posts so no need to worry, if this happens please don’t post your list multiple times. Check back later in the week to see if it is up.

4. Make a purchase today from ANY or all of the retailers participating on our page (see list below) and send us a copy of the receipt for your purchase to: racoo.smith @ (no spaces) for an additional entry. You get entries for every purchase you make. Be SURE to put WSIMD Contest Entry in the subject line so it doesn’t get lost in our spam filter.

5. Read through our Weird Stuff in my Desk blog and find your favorite post and come back here and post the LINK to it. One favorite post per contestant please.

6. Come back daily to see more options for winning and possibly more prizes to compete for. New companies or prizes may be added to the bottom of the list.

Be sure you leave a valid email and your name when posting here so we can contact you if you are the winner. We will contact the winners and request your first/last name and a valid email which we will give to the retailer whose prize you have one. It is up to the individual retailers to award your prizes. If we do not hear back from winners within one week of contacting you, you prize will be forfeited and an alternate winner will be chosen. We reserve the right to delete any inappropriate or inflammatory remarks or comments.

Be SURE to visit our sister site Bitten by Books will be offering a $50.00 Gift Card as well as HUNDREDS of dollars in different prizes, books and gift certificates for the Bloggy Carnival ! Go here: and see what you could win! The directions for entry are set up there as well! Have fun and happy Carnival!

A BIG thank you to our fabulous contributors!!

Here is the list of AMAZING prizes you are trying to win!

KLEAN Bath & Body - $100.00 Gift Code
Klean Bath & Body provides luxurious, hand-mixed, bath and body products at an affordable price.

Flying Needle Gallery - $20.00 Gift Certificate
Gifts for the body & home: Offering velvet scarves, silk pillows, eco-friendly napkins & handkerchiefs and more. Includes FREE shipping if the prize winner is in the US — but will ship worldwide.

Broken Teepee Designs - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Beautiful beaded jewelry. Made in Montana. Free shipping on your order, will ship internationally

Get Happy Goat Soap - $10.00 Gift Certificate
Handcrafted soap made with the milk from my Nigerian dwarf goats Pricilla and Abigail plus other rich ingredients. Get happy! Free shipping on your order, will ship internationally

Starring…! Fragrances - $26.00 Gift Certificate
Organic & Natural Perfumes & Body Products that Star you in Sweet, Sensual Scents!

Little Black Boxes - 2 $20.00 Gift Certificates for Little Black Boxes
The Little Black Box is the perfect place for consumers to learn about our wonderful online retailers before purchasing. It’s a handmade revolution!

Bovine Bubbles and Hogwash - Canadian Company - 2 $25.00 Gift Certificates
Udderly the best handcrafted body care in the world.

South Main Designs - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Beautiful jewelry at affordable prices! Shipping to US and Canada.

Lillian Skincare - $50.00 Gift Certificate
At Lillian Skincare, we believe that caring for your whole body not only means being careful about what you eat, but also what you feed your skin from the outside.

Pampertini - $25.00 Gift Certificate
We offer a variety of pampering items for you to enjoy, whether you are a shower person or love to indulge in a tub of bubbles, come by for some ONE STOP SHOPPING fun!

Bauble Bath - $50.00 Gift Certificate
Thick Creamy scrubs as well as bath bombs in indulgent fragrances.

Crater Lake Company - $30.00 Gift Certificate

Delightfully Wed - $15.00 Gift Certificate
Delightfully Wed supplier of wedding accessories, supplies, decorations, and favors, specializing in western-themes. Shipping is free within the US - we will ship internationally if the winner wishes to pay the shipping costs.

Candles and Woodcrafts - $15.00 Gift Certificate
We provide a wide array of items from wooden soap molds and displays to wax tarts, finished woodcrafts, clocks, lighted holiday items….way to much to mention in one line so come on over and take a look!

Ginger’s Garden - 2 - $10.00 Gift Certificates
Come visit Ginger’s Garden for handmade soaps, skin and body care, gift baskets, toiletries, Zodiac Perfume blends, sculpted soap flowers and more. US Shipping Only.

Snowberry Creek - A Gift Certificate for a sampler box valued at $22.95
A box full of luxurious, fragrant samples and full-sized items, such as handmade soaps, lotions, massage oil, bath teas, bath salts, shea butter, votives, tarts, bath bombs, teas, coffees, decorative soaps, potpourri, jewelry, candles, bubble bath and much more. Shipping is free within the US - we will ship internationally if the winner wishes to pay the shipping costs.

FeltLikeStitchin - $20.00 Paypal Gift Certificate - UK Company
DiDi Dolls are small, unique hand stitched felt dolls, each with a note in its pocket with the name and date of creation. Will ship worldwide from their store.

Things That Make Scents - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Things That Make Scents is a Jersey Shore-based candle manufacturer offering superior customer service and a diverse menu of all-natural soy wax candles and scented wax bears. With many scents available, you are sure to find a favorite! Carrying candle accessories, gift baskets, jewelry and great gift items, its your one stop shop for your gift giving needs! Ships to the US and Canada.

Linda’s Gifts and Decor - $25.00 Gift Certificate <---MY STORE!!
Shipping to Canada and US ***Come by on Wednesday for a special offer from this retailer.

The Bath Project - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Handcrafted body care, inspired by nature, crafted in small batches using certified organic ingredients. Will ship internationally.

Chunky Butt Candle & Bath Co. - $20.00 Gift Certificate
As a small business, Chunky Butt Candle & Bath Company, we are dedicated to making a unique candle and bath & body experience. World wide shipping

Bad Girlz Bath Co. - $50.00 Gift Code
Do you have a Fragrance Fetish, a Lust for Lather, Massage oils make you Hot & Bothered? We’re NOT your mother’s Bath & Body shop, we’re SO much more fun!

Just Right Candles - $15.00 Gift Certificate
Just Right Candles you a No Flame, No soot, SAFE alternative to traditional candles.

Lindsay’s Candles & Stuff - Canadian Company - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Lindsay’s Candles & Stuff proudly handcrafts scented candles, soaps and bath & body products.

Lily Gulch Soaps - $30.00 Gift Certificate
Handmade 100% natural cold process soaps, unique bath & body products and natural bath accessories. International Shipping Worldwide using United States Postal Service (USPS).

Bin Hog Designs $25.00 Gift Certificate
Custom embroidered Luggage ID Handle Wraps - choose from one of our many designs or get them personalized!

Pacific Scents $20.00 Gift Certificate
Hand-poured Custom Candles, Bath and Body Products. Over 150 scents!

J.Lynne Cosmetics - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Handcrafted mineral makeup. Purely beautiful, naturally you!

Manic Trout - $25.00 Gift Certificate
Handmade jewelry that is both colorful and unique, using unusual and quite often vintage materials.

Vintage Body Spa LLC - $15 Gift Certificate
Vintage Body Spa handcrafts natural, luxurious and paraben-free spa products designed to ‘Indulge Your Body’ ™.

Flower Peddler - $30.00 Gift Certificate
Naturally-sourced bath, body, and skincare - always fresh, never boring.

Wylde Ivy - $50.00 Gift Certificate
Wylde Ivy is all about unique and inspired scent blends, high quality handmade products, and exquisite little luxuries!

Weird Stuff In My Desk - $20.00 Sephora Gift Certificate

Soapier - $30.00 Gift Certificate

The Blue Raven Tea Co. - 2 $10.00 Gift Certificates
Let us delight you with our irresistible and fragrant teas. Every cup is a journey. Shipping to US and Canada