I'm the featured guest-blogger today at a special site set up just for those of us in the "middle class" - who are much closer to the poverty level than John McCain's $5 million annual income figure - to inspire those who may be joining us in this economic downturn. The site is designed to help those who find themselves newly po' to cope with their new reality, and to help all of us consume less and save more.
Visit Renee's blog for more info!
Hired gun: Freelance writer, copywriter, ghostwriter, editor, author, blogger, reviewer, artist, indoor/outdoor gardener. Full details available at www.lindajhutchinson.com
January 28, 2009
January 23, 2009
New FR*E Classes for Writers
I'll be away for a couple of days - finally getting to celebrate Christmas with the grandkids. My recent surgery and the g'kidlet's illnesses made it impossible to do in December.
Just added new links for FR*E classes for writers at http://tinyurl.com/dfkd9z Check under the "Classes" heading on the Links for Writers page.
Also... Added new items to my pride and joy gift store, Linda's Gifts and Decor: http://tinyurl.com/c5bgcx
I recently had the privilege of critiquing a fiction manuscript for Ms. Hope Clark of Funds for Writers. She had the sweetest way of saying Thank You! www.ediblesinc.com Her verbal TY was quite enough payment for reading an enjoyable and satisfying mss, but the surprise delivery of the Edible Thank You was over the top!
Just added new links for FR*E classes for writers at http://tinyurl.com/dfkd9z Check under the "Classes" heading on the Links for Writers page.
Also... Added new items to my pride and joy gift store, Linda's Gifts and Decor: http://tinyurl.com/c5bgcx
I recently had the privilege of critiquing a fiction manuscript for Ms. Hope Clark of Funds for Writers. She had the sweetest way of saying Thank You! www.ediblesinc.com Her verbal TY was quite enough payment for reading an enjoyable and satisfying mss, but the surprise delivery of the Edible Thank You was over the top!
January 21, 2009
The Busyness of Life and Man's Laws
Both of our vehicles need new license tags this month. I can't drive yet. Hubby works all day. Couldn't get them via Internet in time because someone got hold of hubby's debit card number and drained our bank accounts - which has been taken care of, thankfully. Can't get them on Saturday because we're supposed to be in Louisville for Grandson Jacob's fifth birthday. Not sure how we'll manage this one. I'm not sure how I'll manage an 8-hour round trip packed in pillows.
Working on stories for next week. Finding good construction stories in January is a fete. You'd think after 4 of them for the same publication I'd know to start looking a month ahead of time. Well, surgery took me off the hook for that one. I did start 2 1/2 weeks ahead of time.
Working on relieving muscle spasms in my back from neurosurgery in December. Took my neck brace off while lazing on the sofa to watch Obama's inauguration yesterday - very bad idea - the taking off of the neck brace, not the inauguration. Thought I'd clarify that before anyone accused me of being Un-American or Un-Patriotic.
Finished my critique of Hope Clark's mss - a very good read. Have several books to review sitting here. Somehow, my bible's book of Matthew has held my reading interest. Best book in the bible. Covers all the essentials of life. Even explains some of the goofy man-made laws.
Working on stories for next week. Finding good construction stories in January is a fete. You'd think after 4 of them for the same publication I'd know to start looking a month ahead of time. Well, surgery took me off the hook for that one. I did start 2 1/2 weeks ahead of time.
Working on relieving muscle spasms in my back from neurosurgery in December. Took my neck brace off while lazing on the sofa to watch Obama's inauguration yesterday - very bad idea - the taking off of the neck brace, not the inauguration. Thought I'd clarify that before anyone accused me of being Un-American or Un-Patriotic.
Finished my critique of Hope Clark's mss - a very good read. Have several books to review sitting here. Somehow, my bible's book of Matthew has held my reading interest. Best book in the bible. Covers all the essentials of life. Even explains some of the goofy man-made laws.
January 20, 2009
Do You Twitter?
Do you Twitter? I Tweet often and follow many PR/Social Media/Journalist pros throughout the day. Great info. Doesn't take much time to type out 140 characters - which is all that is allowed. Important stuff there. http://www.twitter.com
Find me @lindajhutchinso I'm there often. Befriend me if you have important stuff to say that doesn't involve trying to scam/spam/victimize me. (Those folks can rot in hell.)
I follow some very interesting people. Probably why I don't watch much TV. Except for our local CBS channel. I also follow the whole Channel 10 staff via Twitter. Great breaking news stuff. Some of it I can actually use to plan my day and dear husband's trip home in the afternoon/evening.
Social media is here to stay. Anyone who refuses to get on board will be left behind.
Find me @lindajhutchinso I'm there often. Befriend me if you have important stuff to say that doesn't involve trying to scam/spam/victimize me. (Those folks can rot in hell.)
I follow some very interesting people. Probably why I don't watch much TV. Except for our local CBS channel. I also follow the whole Channel 10 staff via Twitter. Great breaking news stuff. Some of it I can actually use to plan my day and dear husband's trip home in the afternoon/evening.
Social media is here to stay. Anyone who refuses to get on board will be left behind.
January 15, 2009
Weather Zero. Driving Zero.
An update on my recovery has been posted at http://livingwithfmandoa.blogspot.com. As I peer out through the double glass doors next to my office I'm reminded that we have 5 inches of snow. As hubby headed out this morning, he took a look at the thermometer posted outside our back door to report that it read ZERO.
Son took my car to his girlfriend's house. My car, with its front-wheel drive, does very well in 4 inches of snow. Five inches, it snow plows - and not very well. I'm sure that's a very good excuse... I can't drive anyway, so it doesn't make much difference.
My neurosurgeon lifted my driving privileges for three months following surgery. However, I don't need a license to drive that John Deere that's in the garage. I might not make a 10-mile trek to the mall, but I could make it down the street to the little cafe. Sure makes me understand that old George Jones song.
Guess I'll spend another day updating my online store and editing Hope Clark's mss - after taking a hot bath to get my feet warm again.
Son took my car to his girlfriend's house. My car, with its front-wheel drive, does very well in 4 inches of snow. Five inches, it snow plows - and not very well. I'm sure that's a very good excuse... I can't drive anyway, so it doesn't make much difference.
My neurosurgeon lifted my driving privileges for three months following surgery. However, I don't need a license to drive that John Deere that's in the garage. I might not make a 10-mile trek to the mall, but I could make it down the street to the little cafe. Sure makes me understand that old George Jones song.
Guess I'll spend another day updating my online store and editing Hope Clark's mss - after taking a hot bath to get my feet warm again.
January 13, 2009
Ride to Conquer Cancer Sponsors Needed
My daughter, Raylene Browne, is training for the 150-mile bike Ride to Conquer Cancer. Raylene, "mom" to six kidlets, and husband Jeff live near Louisville, KY.
She’s well-qualified to tell you how cancer affects the lives of not only the afflicted, but everyone who loves them. My photo with “The 13” sign was recently used in a video for StandUp2Cancer. Cancer has hit our family hard, and often.
What she might not tell you is that she began battling pre-cancer at the age of 18.
Raylene is in need of sponsors to spur her along on each of those 150 miles. If you would care to sponsor Raylene with a pledge of any amount, please see her webpage. http://ky09.ridetovictory.org/goto/raylene There is a button that says “Support Raylene”.
Check out the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BiccSxwV_g
Please support this very worthwhile cause!
She’s well-qualified to tell you how cancer affects the lives of not only the afflicted, but everyone who loves them. My photo with “The 13” sign was recently used in a video for StandUp2Cancer. Cancer has hit our family hard, and often.
What she might not tell you is that she began battling pre-cancer at the age of 18.
Raylene is in need of sponsors to spur her along on each of those 150 miles. If you would care to sponsor Raylene with a pledge of any amount, please see her webpage. http://ky09.ridetovictory.org/goto/raylene There is a button that says “Support Raylene”.
Check out the video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BiccSxwV_g
Please support this very worthwhile cause!
January 09, 2009
Quotes for a Dismal-Weather Friday Morning
My web blog that was attached to my website when I was with that OTHER web host is completely gone forever. Fortunately, I posted some of the same here. Not all, but hopefully the better ones.
A friend sent me these quotes and they made me smile. Hope they'll give you a lift as well.
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, 'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.'
- Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me & I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: - 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.'
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, & now wish to withdraw that statement.
- Mark Twain
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning & a good ending; & to have the two as close together as possible.
- George Burns
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year.
- Victor Borge
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
- Mark Twain
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
- Socrates
I got married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
- Groucho Marx
My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now & then she stops to breathe.
- Jimmy Durante
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all 4 essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar & fat.
- Alex Levine
My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
- Spike Milligan
Until I was 13, I thought my name was SHUT UP.
- Joe Namath
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap.
- Bob Hope
I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it.
- W. C. Fields
We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress.
- Will Rogers
Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.
- Winston Churchill
Maybe it's true that life begins at 50... But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.
- Phyllis Diller
By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere.
- Billy Crystal
A friend sent me these quotes and they made me smile. Hope they'll give you a lift as well.
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself, 'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.'
- Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me & I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: - 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.'
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, & now wish to withdraw that statement.
- Mark Twain
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning & a good ending; & to have the two as close together as possible.
- George Burns
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year.
- Victor Borge
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
- Mark Twain
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.
- Socrates
I got married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
- Groucho Marx
My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now & then she stops to breathe.
- Jimmy Durante
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all 4 essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar & fat.
- Alex Levine
My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
- Spike Milligan
Until I was 13, I thought my name was SHUT UP.
- Joe Namath
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap.
- Bob Hope
I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it.
- W. C. Fields
We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress.
- Will Rogers
Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.
- Winston Churchill
Maybe it's true that life begins at 50... But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out.
- Phyllis Diller
By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere.
- Billy Crystal
January 06, 2009
Back in Business! Website is back up and running!
My website is FINALLY back up and running! Finally, I'm rid of Tripod/Lycos. Finally, I have customer support/service.
Would you believe that GoDaddy has their customer service phone number plastered at the top of every one of their pages? And the longest I've ever had to wait was 6 1/2 minutes! Sure beats the hell out an email that says "Someone will get back to you within 72 hours" - which usually turns into about 5 days.
And so, with the help of website-maven Audrey Shaffer, www.lindajhutchinson.com is back in business!
With all of the hubbub, along with all of the meds/pain, even though I started out at The Writer's Chatroom site clicking on its GoDaddy affiliate link, I'm thinking that somehow I managed to get on the phone with a tech (remember, that they have phone support!!) and TWC didn't get the credit for that. Ticks me off, but that's what happens when you have major surgery and your website shuts down 9 days later.
I'll make it up to Audrey with a donation. In fact, if you've had the opportunity to attend chats at TWC, or you've gotten great advice from The Spotlight, please make it a point to drop by and make a donation. It's that time of year when Audrey gets hit with all the renewal costs for the website and chatroom and newsletter/announcements and the bills for all of it just get bigger every year. (It's also that time of year when she begins tearing out her hair trying to get all of her clients ready for tax time.)
So, take a look at the new stuff at my website, and hit the donation button at TWC. I know at least two people who would be very happy if you did.
Would you believe that GoDaddy has their customer service phone number plastered at the top of every one of their pages? And the longest I've ever had to wait was 6 1/2 minutes! Sure beats the hell out an email that says "Someone will get back to you within 72 hours" - which usually turns into about 5 days.
And so, with the help of website-maven Audrey Shaffer, www.lindajhutchinson.com is back in business!
With all of the hubbub, along with all of the meds/pain, even though I started out at The Writer's Chatroom site clicking on its GoDaddy affiliate link, I'm thinking that somehow I managed to get on the phone with a tech (remember, that they have phone support!!) and TWC didn't get the credit for that. Ticks me off, but that's what happens when you have major surgery and your website shuts down 9 days later.
I'll make it up to Audrey with a donation. In fact, if you've had the opportunity to attend chats at TWC, or you've gotten great advice from The Spotlight, please make it a point to drop by and make a donation. It's that time of year when Audrey gets hit with all the renewal costs for the website and chatroom and newsletter/announcements and the bills for all of it just get bigger every year. (It's also that time of year when she begins tearing out her hair trying to get all of her clients ready for tax time.)
So, take a look at the new stuff at my website, and hit the donation button at TWC. I know at least two people who would be very happy if you did.
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